Omni-Channel applications
Our Omni-Channel solution-platform enables banks and credit unions to accelerate innovation without compromising critical services.

Branch Transformation
Transform your branch into the retail experience your customers want and need.
GBS will we help you blend your physical and digital banking channels.
- Drive loyalty and deliver modern, innovative services that reduce costs
- Increase revenues to strengthen your competitive advantage
- Enhance your customers’ entire banking experience.

Branch Transformation

Branch Closed
I went to the branch to withdraw a large sum of money, but it was closed.

I went to the branch to withdraw a large sum of money, but it was closed.

Video Option
The amount is over my daily limit. The ATM notifies me for video assistance.

The video teller requests to scan my ID in order to confirm my Identity.

The video teller reviews my account and approves my withdrawal.

I got the cash and this experience exceeded my expectations.