مقدمو الحلول البرمجية

نظام فيديو السينما

Audiovisual (AV) systems are part of everyday life.

Whether presenting in a small meeting room or in a conference hall, speaking via video link to a colleague on the other side of the world, enjoying close-ups of the action on a giant stadium screen, studying via distance learning, viewing an interactive video wall in an art gallery, or exploring advanced cinema technology such as cinema video download options, the place for quality visual access for people in work or play is more important than ever.

نظام فيديو السينما

مستقبل السينما بين يديك

Sensing the need to transcend the outdated projector-based systems that have been the industry standard over the past 120 years, GCG is prepared to play a starring role in delivering the most advanced graphics, including 3D cinema video capabilities, and refined production techniques. Our innovative approach aims to define the “cinema of the future” with cutting-edge Cinema LED Technology by Samsung and provide seamless access to cinema video solutions.

Better Contrast

Dramatic depth and picture detail

Highest Brightness

A sharper and more detailed rich presentation

Greater Spectrum of Colors

Perfect color accuracy for a range of hues

Perfect Uniformity

Distraction-free designs keeps audiences focused on featured content